– Prompting by FMG for the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development to post official Manchac Greenway Bikeway signs.
– Participating in and recruiting for the LADOTD Adopt-A-Road litter abatement program and other organized litter clean-ups
– Working with Southeastern Louisiana University to develop a Road Map to a Master Plan for the Manchac Greenway, an Eco-tourism Proposal for the Manchac Greenway and an assessment of the potential economic impact of a Ring Around the Lake bike path.
– Working with Tangipahoa and St. John Parish Governments and the Greater New Orleans Planning Commission to complete Greenway Master Plans.
– Collaboration between Southeastern Louisiana University, the Greater New Orleans Regional Planning Commission and FMG on a Ring Around the Lake Bike Trail study and map.
– Advocating the adoption of the incomplete Carter/Reagan I-55 interstate rest area by Tangipahoa Parish Government for future development.
– Advocating for and participating in the effort to gain a new Louisiana National Estuarine Research Reserve (LANERR) in the Pontchartrain Basin.
– Advocating for the facility at Port Manchac on North Pass on the Greenway to be repurposed for eco-tourism, recreation and education and getting a commitment by their Commission to be a part of the LANERR.
– Advocating for improvements and maintenance at the Shell Bank Bayou canoe launch.
- Advocating improvements and maintenance at the canoe launch/fishing bank at Upper Owl Bayou.
– The restoration and protection of the Isthmus of Manchac with rock armoring on the Lake Pontchartrain shore and an ongoing tree planting program to re-establish its original ecology.
– Acquisition by Tangipahoa Parish of a $71,000 BP Restoration Fund grant for a detailed Master Plan for the Greenway from Pass Manchac to Ponchatoula and a commitment by the parish to seek further funding for this project.
– Appropriation of $150,000.00 by St. John the Baptist Parish to develop a Master Plan for the Manchac Greenway and surrounding wetlands in St. John Parish.
– Commemorating the centenary of the West Indian Hurricane of 1915.
– Getting ordinances passed in Tangipahoa and St. John the Baptist Parishes to establish a bi-parish Manchac Greenway Advisory Board with parish administrators, council members and the FMG.
– Advocating the refurbishment of the North Pass and Ruddock boat launches and the adoption of the incomplete Carter/Reagan I-55 interstate rest area by Tangipahoa Parish Government for future development.
– Commitments by the River Parishes Tourism Commission and Tangipahoa Tourism to increase eco-tourism in the Manchac/Maurepas swamps.